big, annoying jerks who are so full of themselves i want to punch them in tha jeans. maaaan guys can be just so cocky sometimes. they should just fuck themselves. errrgh.
i just realized that the guy i like is SUCH an a-hole. so rude, hollering at girls like that. who does he think he is? and his friends, ugh, his friends. they're a big bunch of jerks too. no wonder he's single. serves him right for being such a jerk. and here i thought he was this shy, cute, nerdy, decent guy which i kind of dig. at first he was really nice and cool, but turns out he's a big meanie who just looks mighty fine.
i am temporarlily swearing off guys. eff' em.
♥ ♥
because you're bound to get screwier in the long run. better stop it now.
♥ ♥
Sunday, March 8, 2009
i am not an ideal anything. i am not the ideal student who makes her professor proud and does everything as she is told, i am not the ideal daughter who pleases her parents with her report card and never gives them shit, and most of all, i'm even not ideal enough to get the boy i want. i am sick of disappointing people, of letting people down when they expect so much from me. i'm sick of not getting what i want. i hate being wrong cause i grew up with the idea that i always had to be right. there was no room for error, no second chances, every move had to be certain and i couldn't risk hesitation cause that meant making myself vulnerable to failure. and failure wasn't an option. problem was, i grew out of that. i realized i wasn't perfect. and there were other things that made me happy aside from good grades exceeding people's expectations. i'm just frustrated. maybe i need someone to talk to.